Nominated for a Critics Award for Theatre in Scotland in the Best Technical Presentation category
by Catrin Evans and Lewis Hetherington
10th – 24th August 2013
Part of Edinburgh International Festival. In association with University of Edinburgh Centre for Design Informatics/ Centre for Speckled Computing and Edinburgh Napier University Institute for Creative Industries.
A site-responsive promenade performance in Edinburgh International Climbing Arena (audience gathering point Edinburgh International Conference Centre).
View the trailer for Leaving Planet Earth here…
Molly Taylor
Chris Nayak
Juliana Yazbeck
Finlay Welsh
Peter Wiedmann
Anna–Maria Nabirye
Robert Jack
Lucianne McEvoy
Boy [Audio]:
Angus and Joseph Pinsky
Sinead [Film]:
Muireann Kelly
Gatekeeper Voiceover:
Melody Grove
GFO Voiceover & Film:
Kenny Blyth
GFO Journalist [Film]:
James Blake
GFO Scientists [Film]:
DK Arvind, Janek Mann, Jon Oberlander, Arno Verhoeven
Production Team
Catrin Evans & Lewis Hetherington
Judith Doherty
Set & Video Designers:
Becs Andrews & Dave Lynch
Lighting Designer:
Paul Claydon
Composer & Sound Designer:
Philip Pinsky
Costume Designer:
Kat Smith
Production Manager:
Fiona Fraser
Finance Manager:
Deborah Crewe
Technical Manager:
Simon Hayes
Stage Manager:
Mickey Graham
Stage Management:
Lee Davis, Kara Jackson & Anne Page
Head of Sound:
Roy Fairhead
Sound Engineer:
Guy Coletta
Head of Stage:
JJ McGregor
Production Technicians:
Kieran Diamond & Dave Cooper
Set Design Assistant:
Lia Waber
Costume Design Assistant:
Dannie Gallagher
Costume Cutter & Maker:
Sara Hill
Costume Maker:
Felicity Edmond
Set Build:
B Scenic
GFO Film-makers:
James Blake, Kirsten MacLeod & Blair Stewart
Programme Design:
Emma Quinn, Beata Zemanek & Ann Davies
Production Photography:
Janeanne Gilchrist
Publicity Image:
Douglas Chalmers
Transmedia Designer:
Beata Zemanek
Transmedia Assistants:
Omar Barco, Douglas Chalmers, Robert Doyle, Natalie King, Chris Pincombe, Stuart Smith & Martha Schofield
For University of Edinburgh Centre for Design Informatics/ Centre for Speckled Computing/ Edinburgh College of Art:
Professor Jon Oberlander DK Arvind, Janek Mann, Michael Walters, Andrew Bates, Arno Verhoeven & Mark Kobine
For Edinburgh Napier University:
James Blake, Malcolm Innes, Ian Lambert, Andrew O’Dowd, Nigel Smith & Euan Winton
The production was kindly supported by the following…
Past Productions
The productions are listed in chronological order with the most recent first.