“Every single one of us working on this project is entitled to work in a safe space: a space free of fear, a space free of bullying and harassment of any kind. We will work together honouring our differences and celebrating the gifts we each bring to the table. We will always treat one another with politeness and respect and if we are subjected to or witness bullying and harassment, that our voices will be heard, and we will be taken seriously. Together we can create a Safe Space.”
Maureen Beattie (Equity: “Creating Safe Spaces” Campaign)
Casting Commitments
- Castings will be advertised on our website; www.gridiron.org.uk; with Spotlight and open to a diverse range of performers.
- Grid Iron will make roles accessible for socio-economic challenged applicants by paying fair travel costs.
- Casting requirements will be specific to the role and will not include personality traits or characteristics of the performer.
- Grid Iron will make reasonable adjustments to enable disabled performers to take part in auditions.
- Grid Iron commit to ensuring that all castings and auditions to be held in accessible, appropriate and recognised workspaces.
- Grid Iron commit that castings and auditions will be conducted in the same manner as with a clear remit and questions and avoiding inappropriate familiarity.
- Grid Iron will ensure that applicants will be considered on the merits of their audition and on their ability to fulfil the requirements of the role.
- Grid Iron will ensure that if an audition is filmed it will not be used or distributed for any other purpose without the consent of the performer.
- Grid Iron will not permit castings and auditions to include requests to undress in whole or in part unless a mutually agreed observer is present.
- Grid Iron will not permit castings and auditions to be held on a one-to-one basis in a non-professional environment.
- Grid Iron will not permit castings and auditions to include requests to perform simulated sex acts.
- Grid Iron will ensure applicants have full, clear information on the nature of an engagement, with attention to agreements governing nudity and scenes of a sexual nature.
- Grid Iron will provide changing facilities which are respectful of privacy and take performers needs into account.
Best Practice for Self-Taping or Zoom/Team auditions
- Grid Iron will give as much information as possible to performers when requesting a self-tape.
- Performers will not be asked to provide their own props or re-arrange their home as though it were a set.
- We will aim for a four working day minimum turnaround time for self-tapes, with a maximum of six pages to learn in this time.
- No performer will be asked to learn more than six pages for a first self-tape and there will not be more than two different roles asked for in one self-tape and no more that two scenes for each role, with no more that two versions of each scene.
- If a performer decides not to submit a self-tape this must be communicated to the Producer immediately to give other performers the opportunity.
- Performers are not expected to pay for readers for their self-tape.
- Where a translation is required, this will be provided by Grid Iron.
Removing Barriers in Our Audition Space
1. Finding and entering the building
(a) We will provide clear instructions on how to get to the audition from the nearest public transport, flagging potential obstacles like steps or cobblestones.
(b) If the building entrance has an intercom, instructions on how to will be clearly available, alongside a phone number for requesting assistance.
(c) If a ramp is necessary for some people to access the building, this will either be already in position or clearly offered, with instructions on how to request it if necessary.
(d) On entry you will be greeted by a representative of Grid Iron and guided to the waiting area.
2. Getting around inside the building
(a) There will be accessible, clear and consistent signage at every junction or decision-making point around the building.
(b) As well as the audition room, toilets and water stations will be signposted.
(c) If the audition space is not on the ground floor a lift will be available.
(d). A Grid Iron representative will be in attendance outside the audition space to facilitate emergency evacuation if necessary.
3. In the audition space
(a) The space will be as uncluttered as possible, with trip hazards removed and blocked routes cleared.
(b) The amount of background noise will be considered and reduced as much as possible.
(c) There will be, ideally, a good amount of natural light.
(d) If sight-reading is required during the audition, we will provide large print scripts, or versions on yellow paper to suit a range of needs – we will ask beforehand what people’s preferred format is.
(e) If possible, we will try to provide a space that has an audio induction loop.
(f) There will be water provided for assistance dogs; and an outside area located where they can be toileted.
(g) Chairs and tables will be provided as required.
4. Casting
Grid Iron will notify all applicants of the casting decisions, giving feedback to unsuccessful applicants within two weeks of the audition process.